Sexual enterprise and its effects
26 October 2017
'Eraserhead' meets 'Shame' meets experimental noise. Mostly it's just composed of long static shots of the same room, having a necessary repetitiveness and emptiness to show a slumbering subjective reality, that sporadically reveals something that'll grip ones mind - between the apartment shots we get "delightful" hazy sex scenes, oneiric ambiences, and surreal details describing the protagonist's state. It's very much this type of film that gives the viewer a handful of clues and hence invites to craft one's own interpretation and story, appreciating it more upon further reflection.

To me it's about a man's loneliness and inner emptiness, which is alleviated by sex (or the idea of it, i.e. with masturbation+fantasy). These extended periods of sex engender varying changes - attachment to one person, the mental conflict between that real partner and an ideal one, a sensation of its kinky animality (as is in multiple instances superbly shown through the protagonist's cat, and the likening of his partner with it), and its destructive-deformative effects (STDs, body horror, urino-scatalogy…). All of that is mixed with a dose of rodents, insects and an occasionally superimposed face of a mocking man that looks like Ringo Starr (maybe the guy just listened too much to The Beatles, such that love+beetles permeate his subconscious; but more likely than that the face is his masculine self that laughs at his current states and wants him to perform better, go further). Good stuff, for sure.
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