Review of Not Cool

Not Cool (II) (2014)
The title says it all.
29 October 2017
I'll admit walking into this I had no idea who Shane Dawson was. And after seeing this I really don't care to know who he is. This is his directorial debut and with luck it will be his last.

Basic plot of the movie is young hot girl who has an annoying family life goes home for Thanksgiving and accidentally hits Shane Dawson with her car and they become a couple. It's pretty basic as far as plots go but that's not all you get.

Do you like screaming? There's a lot of screaming in this movie because I guess screaming is considered comedy to the people who watch Shane Dawson. Do you like unfunny stereotypes? You'll find a lot of those here from the stereotypical Indian guy to the camp gay guy who doesn't realize he's gay to the overly sexed mother who wants to make out with every boy she meets. Did I mention there's lots of screaming? Just wanted to make sure.

And lets not forget the poop jokes. Oh my, this movie is full of them. There's a homeless man who eats and drinks his own poop. That's funny right? Or the parents who are working out and the mother lets a huge wet fart just rip with a bit of an extra if you catch my drift. Yeah, poop and fart jokes are right up there on the humor scale. It goes Abbot and Costello "Who's on First". George Carlin's "Seven Words You Can't Say on Television". Then in third place poop and fart jokes. They were funny when you were 10 and you haven't grown up since.

Can I say something nice about the movie? Well it did eventually end although I'll admit I wasn't paying much attention near the end. And it didn't make me want to gouge my eyes out and drive knitting needles through my ears so I guess that's something.

But no. There are no redeeming factors about this movie. Unless you happen to be a fan of Shane Dawson and I would assume those to be 12-16 year old girls and 10-14 year old boys then give this movie a pass.

And if you are a fan, please ask him not to make any more movies.
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