Law & Order: The Serpent's Tooth (1991)
Season 1, Episode 19
Based on the Menendez case
29 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
When Lyle and Erik Menendez convicted their father there truly was no doubt concerning their guilt. But in this Law And Order episode brothers Stephen Mailer and Matt Hoffher are claiming their innocence and they've got one convert Chris Noth.

The story starts out looking very much like the Menendez case, an abusive father and sons who couldn't take it any more. But it turns that there's a minority partner in the father's business who has a good motive for killing dad and then mom as collateral damage.

With connections to the Russian mob in Brighton Beach Jonathan Hadary is looking better and better for it. But these guys who kill witnesses at the drop of a hat make it mighty hard to get convictions.

Michael Moriarty makes a monkey out of the Russian defense attorney. As Bugs Bunny would have said, "what a maroon".
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