well-made, but not enjoyable
31 October 2017
This is another one of those movies that forgets to make you empathize with any of its characters. A movie which really wants to be a social commentary (and is successful at that) but isn't enjoyable in any way. It's not really funny, it's not cringey-funny but it's not really tragic either because, again, you don't empathize with the main character. It's mostly just sad and pathetic.

You're basically watching the main character slide deeper and deeper into her self-created mess and cringing or shaking your head every 10 seconds. She has no redeeming qualities at all except that she's Aubrey Plaza and you might be fascinated by her intentionally cringey performance.

Sounds like I should be giving 1 star but it's actually an otherwise well-made movie that does make you want to continue watching just to see how bad it gets for the main character.
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