Next time you disappear, make sure you really ARE dead!
3 November 2017
I think one of the more overlooked actors of his day was Frank Morgan. While he's known today for playing the Wizard in "The Wizard of Oz", he also starred in quite a few charming films for MGM...films that provided him a chance to play a likable fellow. My favorite is "A Stranger in Town"...but this one is awfully good as well.

Vern Adams is a bit of a henpecked milquetoast...and a bit of a nobody. He's a nice enough guy but no one, including his family, takes him very seriously. Out of the blue, he receives a phone call from Australia! It's an old childhood friend who announces he wants to leave $500,000 to his hometown AND he wants Vern to come to Australia, all expenses paid, to see him and discuss what how the money will be used. Suddenly, folks LOVE Vern and he's a hero in his town.

Unfortunately, through a series of bad choices, Vern misses his ship and ends up in jail. No one in town knows this...and when he get out of jail he learns this old friend has died AND left nothing in the will about the legacy. He's worried his friends and neighbors will now hate him...but this turns out not to be the case. Why? Because the ship sank and he's been declared dead...and the family has collected on his insurance policy!! So, his family is in trouble for insurance fraud (after all, they've spent all the money) and Vern has no idea what to do next. How does he extricate himself from this mess? See the film.

As was often the case with Morgan's films, excellent writing and his sweet acting carry the film. Overall, clever, original and well worth seeing.
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