Leatherface (2017)
An elucidation of how a young boy descended into madness n became a deranged killer aka Leatherface. Much better than the remake, its prequel n shady sequels of the original.
6 November 2017
Having enjoyed Julien Maury and Alexandre Bustillo's previous works (Inside, Livid n Among the Living) n having seen all the seven parts of TCM, i was looking forward to this.

Well, i wasn't disappointed.

Surprisingly i got more than i bargained for.

The direction, cinematography n acting is very good.

I liked the sun soaked settings n the road movie style.

The film is suspenseful, tensed n at times brutal, the film will keep u guessing who's Leatherface, which is something very very new.

The movie succeeded in paying homage to: 1)There is a psychotic couple on the run who kills people mercilessly a la Natural Born Killers.

2)There is a bonding between two boys in which one fella takes care of the other deranged fella a la Of Mice and Men.

3)There is a cop who is hell bent on revenge from a deranged family a la Devil's Rejects.

4)This is indeed a befitting prequel a la Hannibal Rising, explaining the story how a young boy descended into madness n became Leatherface.

5)It does have shades of One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest.

6)There is a scene which is similar from the Revenant n another brutal scene from another film.... wont say the name or it will spoil the movie a bit.

The previous prequel showed him as a mentally n deformed face fellow who just kills but this prequel showed a proper descent into madness n the trauma at a young age which does make for a proper elucidation about the origin.

While the 1974 original will forever be a classic without showing on screen violence, this film does have some very brutal violence but not the kind of gore which is there in the remake n its prequel.

Surprisingly good star cast n solid acting by Dorff n Taylor.
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