Review of White Tiger

White Tiger (2012)
Watch the first half, then turn it off
6 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Call me stupid, but when a movie is somewhat exciting, has good special effects, great costumes, and good cinematography, I get annoyed when all that is flushed down the toilet and the entire movie changes from "pretty good" to "garbage" in the span of 15 minutes.

After a battle scene, the main character disappears until the very last minute of the movie. We're fast-forwarded 2 weeks to the end of the war, "treated" to a boring, drawn-out surrender ceremony, made to watch the German generals eating dinner for 3 minutes (why?! for the love of god), and then the movie ends. Leaving a slew of questions unanswered. But not until we see an aging Hitler explain that "mankind's natural state is war." Wait, Hitler survived WW2? Sigh.

Now you may say "oh, it's an allegory," or "it's cerebral," but I want to watch something semi-satisfying and not have the rug pulled out from under me and not have everything that was built up just disappear with no conclusion or even explanation.

Stupid. Waste of time. It had such potential too.
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