Christmas Cookies (2016 TV Movie)
I loved this.
6 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I know, I'm a sucker for these and I admit it. Yes, they are, for the most part, Cheesy; hopelessly romantic drivel that flows like maple syrup, but every once in a while THC gets it right, and they got it right with this one. A clever plot line twist at the end that saved the situation, but when you have Jill Wagner in a role like this, it seems this is the one she was born to play. You can either believe she is an astounding actress (which I do), or you can believe she went into this with no script and just lived the part, because that's how it comes across. She is so expressive and the way she looks; laughs; reacts and speaks you come away thinking this is real life. Her protagonist is equally adept, and he makes his role believable as well. So do the supporting characters. The girl who plays Jake's daughter is a scene-stealer, who will, no doubt, grow up to steal more than her fair share of hearts as well. From the town cabbie to the woman who runs the inn where Hannah stays, you connect with all of them. The waitress in the coffee shop going to Princeton has an incredible range of acting tools. I'm sure she'll be around for a long time as well. Hannah's big city boyfriend is the typical "other man" in the Hallmark Channel Movie heroine's life. Instantly unlikable with an array of traits one wonders what she ever saw in him to begin with. (Remember Faith's boyfriend in The Christmas Card?) I will watch this one again. I already have. Most are good enough for one look and you can pass them by a second time. A few of the good ones grab you and pull you inside. They push you into a cushy chair beside a blazing fireplace, wrap you in a warm blanket and make you wish you could be there with them. This is one of those.
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