Iron Man 2 (2010)
Average and slow.
9 November 2017
Even Black Widow can't save the film on this occasion, her outfits were silly except from her actual one. Whiplash wasn't as bad as people say though. He just fought the wrong hero. I write my own series of stories and my version of Whiplash is a lot more powerful. This Marvel version of Whiplash just doesn't seem to know what's he doing. He caused minor damage and only survived one fight. Justin Hammer was the better man in the situation, bring him back. He can change his ways.

War Machine being introduced was the closest to saving the film but changing his actor was selfish but then it fits into Marvel better than the original one did.

Iron Man 2 is the weakest Marvel film there is. Hulk and Captain America The First Avenger are way better.

Iron Man 3 was better than this.
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