Predictable and cheesy
11 November 2017
From minute one of this movie, I was completely, and utterly underwhelmed. The character of Andy is a dollar store, knockoff Forrest Gump, and honestly is probably offensive to anyone who actually knows someone with a mental or developmental disorder. Nathan Hight(Scott Owens) was an unnatural actor who seemed uncomfortable in his own skin. He seemed to not only be unable to portray his character convincingly, but failed to convince me he was a human being rather than a tree. Rayne's father, Jeremy, was an inconsistent character with glaringly unnatural personality 180 degree flips. Rayne was tolerable; however, she definitely needs more emotion and inflection to make her acting natural. The best actor in this movie is by far Daniel Main (Mr. Reeves). His performance was the only one remotely believable in this entire film; however, I was markedly un-aroused by the sexual assault scene in the shed, possibly because it lacked any sexual tension whatsoever.

Leaving the wooden acting aside, the plot was the most predictable thing I have ever seen. As soon as I saw that Rayne was assigned a "meaning of life" paper, I knew that she would narrate it to drive her characters change of heart over the course of the film. Every inch of script is contrived and plagiarized, and some moments are downright bizarre. There is so much down time in the film that needs to be cut and edited. The movie could have been half its length. If I could use one word to describe this film, it is laughable. I feel sympathy for anyone who payed for this film.
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