They Should Have Crossed That Bridge
15 November 2017
A Majority of One (1961)

The Good: * It may not seem like it now, but I am certain this was quite a relevant film at the time, possibly brave in its portrayal of the controversial interracial relationships. * A heartwarming love story between two elderly survivors, both having lost a child to war. The allegory told by Asano regarding an emperor and a lady of the court divided by a bridge is quite beautiful. As the story goes, one ponders whether they should cross that bridge to each other, despite platitudes of naysayers, both internal and external.

The Bad: * Although it was brave enough to address the issue, Rosalind Russell's character ultimately decides against courting the Japanese man she seems to care so much about, therefore not necessarily fully supporting interracial marriage? * Many cultural and racial stereotypes; There is a fine line between a didactic examination of how ludicrously discrimination and racism can manifest and providing examples that go nowhere and therefore become offensive. This film did well with the former most of the time but was guilty of the latter more than once. * This should not be that significant (especially given how little total screen time Mae Questel actually had), but apparently it is, as evidenced by the fact that I am still thinking about it. Within the first few minutes, we are introduced to the annoying, loud, whining, and offensive Essie Rubin. Her character was a pain to have to watch, and this statement from her only served to prevent me from feeling guilty for hating her:

"But honestly, it's not a question of prejudice, I just don't like to live with them."

The Ugly: * Whitewashing. Although not anywhere near as bad as Rooney in "Breakfast At Tiffany's" the same year, Guinness has his eyes pulled back and squinty in order to play a not very convincing Japanese man. I really am not very easily offended. But this got to me. I do not care how much you feel a specific actor would play a role the best. If the role in question cannot be revised to the same race, it is not the best actor for the role. Get over it.
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