An Entertainer Who Deserves A Documentary
18 November 2017
Aren't you sick of docs that take you to the front line of war? Or how America sucks, or some social justice garbage only to pander to injustices Oscar voters lap up? "Wait For Your Laugh" is NONE of that. It is a celebration of a woman who had a LONG career didn't focus on the politics of the world and chose to put her head down and...work. If there were justice in this world, this is the movie women should watch to see how a real tough person survived child star to voice actress. And she did it with focus. And that's the one thing that may also be its own undoing. Because Academy voters love misery. This is not to say Rose Marie didn't have her own painful moment in life, but the message most people don't want to hear is that you aren't the victim and you can write your history. In Rose Marie's case it is LONG. The longest entertainment career. I have to repeat for the cheap seats, Rose Marie is woman who has entertained for 80 years. This message seems to be lost on the recent events of equality. Because, let's face it, Rose Marie isn't self-destructive Marilyn Monroe. Or Amy Winehouse. Rose Marie isn't Madonna or (thankfully) Khardashian. She is a working entertainer that is happiest entertaining people. How more noble is that? Yes, there are flaws, which is most likely to condense the epic career she's had. But overall, go see something that makes your faith in entertainment on the good side again. There's been so much revealed about the movie industry now that is so ugly. See something beautiful, like this flick.
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