I think I can tell why this failed
19 November 2017
I have been in LOVE with the original movie since I first watched it in 1993....story is amazing, songs are wonderful, characters are interesting.

I just started watching this because I found it on Netflix....and then 10 minutes later turned it off. I could not take it anymore! There is a line here and there of the lyrics that is the same but they changed SO much that I could not take it. Why take out the opening explanation of what was going on? Why change the story of Jacks parents.....his ENTIRE character is based on his family being in Santa Fe and he is doing anything to get back to his family.....Jack says in this that his family is not around anymore- meaning dead. That's not how he portrays himself to his fellow newsies. It is also rather irritating that Jack is dressed in blue.....the original costume director put David in blue and Jack was the ONLY one with red to set them apart from the other newsies who were rather bland. It just bothers me that they threw out these things. And who really thought it was a good idea to start the show off with the song Santa Fe?!? Are you kidding me....

And don't get me started on the fact that they changed Denton into a woman.....

This movie would have been perfect if left just how it was, yes I know some things would have needed to change but not the entire story line!
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