Well, at least the dancing is good
20 November 2017
There is something to be said about non-actors acting. And that's they should never under any circumstances be actors. The acting in this movie as atrocious. And when it's not atrocious, the AVR is. Seriously it's like half the lines in this movie are recorded after the fact and just spliced into the movie like that. This is not acceptable. This is why boom mikes were invented.

The story itself is pretty unoriginal. Pretty & rich girl who dances has to go live with her father in Panama City for the summer. There, people break into dance all the time and the hotel seems to be a portal into a world where people act out scenes from movies, quote Shakespeare, walk around on stilts and dance. All the time.

There she meets the handsome dishwasher who also dances. At least that's where he normally works because we see him having to clean up rooms as well. Don't ask, it makes no sense but it allows them to introduce this old man who plays a part in the movie later.

There's trouble brewing because one of the managers at the hotel also has his eye on the girl and it turns into a thing between him and the dishwasher guy. This manager also dances I might add. I think everybody in Panama City does or is implied to in this movie.

We're introduced to a fourth member who is also a dancer and the dance partner of dishwasher boy. There's supposed to be some kind of chemistry there but I can't see any.

Typical plot is as follows. Daddy wants his daughter to date the manager guy but she's rather date the dishwasher guy. His dance partner also wants to date the dishwasher guy so we have both guys wanting the rich girl. And both girls wanting the dishwasher guy.

Lots of dancing follows, third act breakup, they get back together and practice for the big dance contest. The old man turns out to be an old dance instructor and helps with their choreography. Of course, what else is there? Rich girl and dishwasher guy wind up together. And the manager and the other girl do as well, or maybe they're just dance partners. I'll admit by this point I wasn't paying much attention.

But as I said. At least the dancing is good. The rest of the movie is just wretched. So unless you just want to see some dancing, don't bother with this one.
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