Twin Peaks: Arbitrary Law (1990)
Season 2, Episode 9
Twin Peaks at its most legitimately powerful
24 November 2017
There is some of the semi boring and mostly unfunny Andy, Lucy, and Dick subplot awkwardly incorporated into this episode, but other than that it is near perfect. This is one of the show's most essential and memorable parts, and adds even more fuel to the "Peaks" mythology, and helps clarify a few odd, confusing details from previous entries in a way that does not feel forced or unnecessary, and still legs everything feel very mysterious. There is also a fair share of classic Lynchian surrealism here, particularly during Cooper's initial discovery of who Laura Palmer's killer REALLY is as well as the strange codes and secrets hidden within his famous red room dream from all the way back in the early first season. Ray Wise is also an episode highlight, as he had been in many episodes leading up to this one. Here, the spotlight shines brightly on him as he brilliantly acts his way through one of the show's most emotional and devastating dramatic moments. While it may not be as pitch perfect as many of the Lynch directed episodes are, this complex, philosophical, horrific, and powerful entry is able to join its ranks thanks to its many elements of successful surrealism, compelling drama, and a scene stealing performance from the magnificent Ray Wise.
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