Don't let me fall
28 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Hellen (sic) (Monika Tilling) is blind and will be able to see once she "forgives herself" for an accident we see in flashbacks. She lives with her doctor husband Arthur (Eric Giancoli) in a big house. Arthur has hired Rosa (Ada Luz Pla) who is no Anne Sullivan, to take care of her. There is also an oversexed neighbor (who appears to be uncredited Sandra Lindo- writer, director, producer and speller of Helen with 2 L's) written in to give the story dimension and 90 minutes in the can.

Hellen, in addition to driving my spell checker crazy, hears things and believes there is someone else in the house. Arthur claims it is her condition which will be better once she alas, "forgives herself." The soundtrack was done in lame "made for TV" style and except for one quick F-word in the beginning, this could have been made for TV, PG stuff. The acting was what one would expect from a "Lifetime" type of production. The whole plot made me groan.

Guide: 1 F-word. No sex. No one sneaking a peak at a pretty blind woman.
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