Primeval: Haunted House (2009)
Season 3, Episode 2
Some good scares are provided by a creature from the future
2 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
As this episode opens we see a large rundown house for a moment before the action jumps back fourteen years. The house looks lived in as three boys find a key and have a nose around… somewhat inevitably they are attacked by a creature that looks like a gremlin with chameleon camouflage. Back in the present, at the Arc, new team member Dr Sarah Page, has mapped various possible anomalies hoping to use it to predict future ones. Inevitably a possible one is predicted; in the house we saw earlier. Jenny, Abby and Connor go to investigate, they don't find anything but have a run in with a policeman who accuses them of being ghoulish 'murder tourists' and warns them to stay away. Obviously they don't. While Jenny and Connor see the one boy who survived the visit to the four fourteen years before Abby returns to the house and meets a girl who is feeding the creature. Meanwhile Helen Cutter has stolen Dr Page's Arc pass card and one of her men infiltrates the Arc; he is later shot and killed… Nick Cutter is surprised as he recognises the man as somebody he saw die on the other side of an anomaly!

This was an impressive episode; I liked the design of the creature; it was suitably menacing and provided plenty of scares as it repeatedly looks as though it might attack Abby. An early scare leads to laughs as it looks as though the creature might have grabbed Abby then it turns out she is just trying to give Connor a fright. It was fun seeing Abby, Connor and Jenny take centre stage; Hannah Spearritt, Andrew Lee Potts and Lucy Brown impress in these roles. Jason Flemyng is solid as police officer Danny Quinn; the way things end for his character I wouldn't be surprised if we see him again in future episodes. The other story, involving Helen and her shady group, was intriguing; it is clear that she is trying to get a sample of her ex-husband's DNA but the reason remains a mystery. I really liked to look of the episode; as well as the creature there is a house that is suitably spooky and the little girl in the red coat who reminded me of the girl in 'Don't Look Now' or possibly Little Red Riding Hood. Overall a fine episodes with scares and laughs and moments of intrigue.
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