Soaring highs and dull lows
2 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
At its best, this episode offers an amazingly choreographed action scene with four people occupying one body and four sets of eyes. It's exactly what the Wachowskis are good at, so unsurprisingly it's the highlight of the episode. And the proper introduction of the villainous Whisper is made creepier by the revelation that Nomi mustn't look at his eyes.

Action is the Wachowskis' strong point, but character development is not. Unfortunately other parts of the episode tend to repeat character beats we've seen before. Kala has gone full circle, facing the same dilemma that she faced before, whether or not to continue with the marriage. And unbelievably, Capheus's storyline is still about getting meds for his mother.

Other scenes are devoted to discussing characters' pasts, as in Wolfgang, Sun and Riley's case. But their pasts are just not interesting or that unusual. We learn that Wolfgang had an abusive father, Sun misses her dog but not her family and Riley's mother passed away. Yawn.

On the bright side, it looks like Kala's story is going to gain some pace judging by the cliffhanger.
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