Poltergeist (1982)
Can you ever trust a clown?
3 December 2017
Poltergeist, directed by Tobe Hooper and Steven Spielberg, stars Craig T. Nelson (who voices Mr Incredible in The Incredibles) and Jobeth Williams, following the family household who are haunted by supernatural causes. Well, it isn't really haunted but, there's an definition on that pretty early on. The film is home to a hyperbole of effects with giant, green faces popping out of the wall, trees attacking everyone and, of course, the horrifying mixture of both a clown and a doll; is there anything scarier? But is this exaggeration of effects a bad thing? No, it is not, in fact, this actually works in favour of the plot, and still manages to be scary in parts. The script, written after the huge sci-fi classic, Close Encounters of the Third Kind.

It is extremely over-the-top, but despite that, the film proves it is capable of suspense and even jump scares. The acting is natural (from everybody) but, especially near the beginning, the script can feel slightly rushed at times, but this natural style of acting and the relatability of the characters is fantastic, and, lifts the film by ten-fold despite its already legendary and memorable story.
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