Review of Floater

Law & Order: Floater (2003)
Season 14, Episode 7
She was just so obsessed with sticking it to her husband.
3 December 2017
A man was fishing in the river and talking to a bystander when he thought to catch a big fish: they were both stunned when a dead body came to surface. Forensics identified the victim as a thirty years old girl with a broken nose. A necklace led the detectives to a married woman with a teenage daughter; she had been missing for over a month. the daughter attended an expensive private school, well above their parents' means (the victim worked as a courtroom clerk). Briscoe and Green dug inside the family, because the husband had an affair with the secretary and she was the only one who covered him up the day of the murder; they supposed the couple had a fight in their car (where traces of blood came to light thanks to luminol) and then he dumped her in the river. Anyway he proved a fender bender occurred days before, so police cut him loose. The right pattern is related to a corrupted judge who used to take bribes: was the victim involved in the scam?

This episode seems a little unrealistic: how can a renowned judge (Jan Maxwell) sell his own reputation for few dimes? Anyway money isn't the sole reason for her behavior.
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