Taxi Driver (1973)
Great movie! Great actors! Great Director! Definitely a ride!
8 December 2017
"Taxi Driver," is one of those movies i'd always heard praised when brought up. With good reason, apparently. Not only do you have a young Robert De Niro, which is in and of itself a credit, but you also have the seedy streets of New York as seen through his characters' lens. The opening shots of the movie really put you into the main characters' mindset; and i love how the scenery is blurred by the natural loudness of a big citys' lights.

Going in blind aside from the knowledge of the famous "Mirror scene," improved by De Niro; i really couldn't tell how things were going to end. Not to mention, seeing Jodie Foster so young outside of her usual kind of role was awesome. She was really very convincing, and the little things she does when talking to De Niro's character really indicate the age of this girl who is severely misplaced in her environment.

I love the way this story rounds itself out; it felt like a really strong finish that really helps to make the movie as great as it is.
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