Turning zombies into red mush is this movie's business, and business is good.
14 December 2017
This ultra low budget zombie apocalypse actioner manages to both look far more expensive than it is and actually be watchable. Other so called "cult classics" do not have the entertainment value that is credited to them. This one does. It is relentlessly past faced, action filled, and for something so cheap and down and dirty is decently acted. Still, I almost wish the makers of this movie had tried harder to get a bigger budget at their disposal, as some set pieces are clearly lower rent versions of what could have been with a bit more cash in the wallet. This is not the kind of movie that needs a 10 page analysis, it sets out to deliver zombie killing carnage, and it succeeds. It does not pretend to be anything other than what it is and is the quintessential beer and pizza friday night flick on a big tv with very loud speakers. You had me at dudes with hockey mask and pads with sawn off double barrelled shotguns Wyrmwood.
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