Dangerous Men (2005)
Funny Time Waster
15 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This film has been developing a bit of a cult rep in the area of "so bad it's good" films. The fact that "John Rad" was a bit of an eccentric weirdo seems to have helped the cause. Indeed, the stagijng of the attempted rape/murder is the funniest part. Yes, there are funny bits, and you can't help but giggle a bit at the terrible score. On the whole, though, it's not that different than many a Crown International stinker of a slightly earlier time and not as much fun as many (the great "Death Machines" comes to mind) of them. It could well be that a certain nostalgia for this kiind of terrible film is what propels this cult. The triumph of the film being in one theater for a week seems to what has sparked a lot of interest. in the end, funny, but forgettable.
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