Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Quick Movie Review
16 December 2017
Director: Rian Johnson Release Date: December 15th, 2017 (US) Runtime: 2hrs 32mins

Pros: Pure Star Wars experience - Best to watch this expecting nothing - Feels like an epic - Many shocking surprises - Countless jaw-dropping moments - Fantastic editing - Looks gorgeous - John Williams' music - Brilliant acting - Rey and Kylo's continuing character development - Mark Hamill's phenomenal return - Carrie Fisher's heart-breaking final performance - BB-8's continuation of awesomeness - Adorable and hilarious Porgs - One of the best action sequences - Outstanding visuals - Top-notch spectacle - Rian Johnson's direction and screenplay effect to the story - Humour still holds up -

Cons: One character needs more development

Short thoughts: Star Wars: The Last Jedi takes a bold and risky direction in the new era of the galaxy far, far away leaving me with no idea what will happen next in Episode IX. At the same time though, it brings more memorable highlights, fantastic looks and continuing to grow characters old and new. It was a jaw-dropping experience.

TVChannels98 Rating: 9.5/10
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