Review of Separation

Separation (2013)
No Separation just a really quick divorce please...
17 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
A masterful piece of Hitchcockian suspense ?

What a load of drivel.

I've had more suspenseful moments completing tax forms than this bag of tripe - there's more horror in the thought of losing yet another 90+ minutes of rubbish wrapped up & sold as excellent indie cinema.

You're in it for the money and shill reviews just add insult to injury.

At what point does someone churn out a turd like this & think it's good ? No sane adult could possible do so without an ulterior motive - CA$H....

Watch a real Hitchcock film to see how its done properly - I kept waiting for something to happen out of all the disjointed mess, but it failed miserably, in the last 10 seconds of the film, to salvage anything from a huge waste of time.

Only David Lynch can write scripts for movies like this, and for God's sake when you set out to address the noire, add something to it don't just turn in a feeble imitation.

Get a job Greg White, something more fitting to your ability - ditch-digging or mushroom farming maybe, anything where you can play in poop & leave us movie lovers in peace.

Shame on you & your shills.
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