A no hope
17 December 2017
After viewing a dramatic, highly anticipated trailer, The Last Jedi proved as a disappointing, lack-lustre film, not capturing the essence necessary to raise the this film to even a "good"-level like many of the films have soared past. The Last Jedi has mainly a full returning cast, following the basic premise of most Star Wars films: The-Bad-Guys-are-shooting-us-,-what-are-we-going-to-do? sort of thing. Adam Driver performs well as the returning villain, Kylo Ren, accompanied by an emotional performance from Mark Hamill, easily the best actor in the film. New to the stage are the new species of space-penguins, the funny, adorable Porgs, who are like a sidekick for Chewie (who surprisingly wasn't in the film that much) and are a great comedic element for the otherwise boring film.

Mark Hamill, as mentioned, performs incredibly well, along with Adam Driver, but the script and plot are just not interesting. The lack-lustre lead-up to the announcement of Rey's parents, elongated, unnecessary final battle, and the cringy, cheesy one-liners just to begin with. The Last Jedi just feels like of those films that just does not end! It is extremely dragged out and, at times, can be quite frustrating. The most exciting elements was a cameo from Frank Oz and releasing Andy Serkis (who plays Supreme Leader Snoke) was in the film!

Maybe expectations were too high for this highly anticipated film. Don't go with high hopes, this is easily the weakest of this new generation of Star Wars films.
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