Interesting documentary about 2 talented skateoarding brothers, and the lifestyle that came with it.
18 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
As an American, when someone brings up the topic of skateboarding, the first thing that comes to mind is Tony Hawk. I remember him growing up. He was the prodigy for this newer sport that sort of blew up in the 80s/90s.

He was very much the face of the sport, but was he the best and most adventurous? Tas Pappas would tell you "fuck no!"

The docu was quite interesting. I'm a sports fan, but gave up paying attention to skateboarding years ago. I guess I grew out of it. Regardless, I still respect the sport, and what the pros are able to do.

Before watching this documentary, I wasn't sure if I remember who the Pappas brothers were, but after watching the documentary, I won't forget. Tony Hawk started as a purist skateboarder just like any skateboarder, but eventually he became, what felt like, bigger than the sport. Tony the skating phenom turned into Tony the marketing guru mighty quick.

The movie isn't about Tony much, but it's just interesting how much differently him and the Pappas brothers managed their relationship with the sport. Ben and Tas were purists through and through, and this story gives a detailed overview of their lives, and how they impacted the sport in a different way.

There was a stretch in time where they were ranked higher than Tony, and they were constantly one upping each other. They had the competitive spirit thing figured out from birth, it seemed. They explain where the spirit comes from early on in the film.

In their hey day, they lived the lifestyle that you would only see in the movies. With that came the downfall. Definitely a very solid watch.
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