The Hills Have Thighs (2010 Video)
Another Winner from Wynorski
22 December 2017
The Hills Have Thighs (2010)

** 1/2 (out of 4)

A man goes hiking through the Alabama Hills where he runs into some wild women who come onto him sexually. A month passes and the man hasn't returned back to his normal life so four friends decide to go looking for him. Whenever the four aren't having sex they are looking for their missing friend and soon they run into the sex-starved ladies.

As the fun and clever title gives away, this here is basically a softcore version of THE HILLS HAVE EYES. No matter what you think of the softcore genre you've got to at least admit that this is a great title. Cult director Jim Wynorski wrote and directed this film under the name Salvadore Ross but no matter what name he's working under he has always been able to make a fun "B" picture.

Obviously, if you're not a fan of these types of softcore movies then it's probably best you don't waste your money on it but if you are a fan then you're going to know Wynorski's name and I'd say you'll get some entertainment out of this. Julie K. Smith is good and dependable as usual and there's a terrific sequence with Kylee Nash in front of an amazing fire. I'd say that a lot of people are going to agree that this here was the highlight of the film. It should go without saying but there are beautiful ladies running around naked throughout the film and that's certainly what people are going to be drawn to.

With that said, I must admit that I was really shocked at how terrific the cinematography was and there's no question that the Alabama Hills setting was perfect. The scenery in these types of movies are usually just the ladies but the various locations here are also terrific and I'm sure many people will be looking at those snow covered mountains just as much as the other mountains bouncing around.
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