Angel: Carpe Noctem (2001)
Season 3, Episode 4
Angel: Have I ever told you, you're a very beautiful woman?
31 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Carpe Noctem is about an old man switching bodies with Angel, while he's looking into some mysterious deaths.

The comedy's at an all-time high. When Boreanaz gets to play different points of view of his character as his alter self or someone else, it's a special treat. Every scene works, starting from the opening scene of the skin falling to the floor, to Angel's supposed talk with Fred. Cordy's splendid, everything she says and does is on point. Fred's also a joy, with her goo goo eyes crush. Rance Howard's solid as well, as Marcus.

Best moments would be Cordy telling Angel to have the talk with Fred, then consequentially getting her to start up a case file, or Marcus as Angel coming out of the retirement home chatting with Cordy, or Marcus as Angel seeing Fred's enthusiasm to be with him. So many to choose from. :)
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