You know why it has so many horrible reviews?
2 January 2018
Because is just a bad movie. Not a bad star wars movie, but bad in all aspects.

I will not repeat again what other users states on their opinions, just want to add my sadness, so maybe , a Disney community manager take a look at this forums and see the real opinion from fans and not the directed ones made by their payed critics.

Maybe Disney thinks they are making a new generation happy selling them this garbage of pokemons and puns "Marvel style", but in fact the only thing they are doing is destroying a mythology that lasted 40 years.

I felt very disappointed by Force Bukakens when see it but with this... I think they finally managed to kill the "new star wars" for many die hard fans.

So please, make us a favour and bring back this disaster to Lucas hands, and make like it never happened.

Star wars have 6 episodes, this 2 new holiday specials by Disney must be a big bad taste joke.
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