Pretty foul
2 January 2018
Have always been quite fond of 'Murder She Wrote'. It is a fun and relaxing watch that makes you think as you try to unwind in the evening. If one wants more complex, twisty mysteries with lots of tension and suspense 'Murder She Wrote' may not be for you, but if you want something light-hearted and entertaining but still provide good mysteries 'Murder She Wrote' fits the bill just fine.

"Something Foul in Flappieville" is not only to me one of the worst episodes of Season 12, it is in the bottom 10 worst 'Murder She Wrote' episodes in general. Admittedly was very sceptical as to whether it would work in the first place, with the idea seeming so beneath 'Murder She Wrote's' usual standards and it just seemed on paper so out of place conceptually within the show. My scepticism proved to be correct, the idea just didn't work for me and the execution was near-bottom of the barrel.

There are saving graces. The production values as always are slick and stylish. Some of the scoring has energy and has presence but also not making the mistake of over-scoring, while it is hard to forget or resist the theme tune.

Angela Lansbury is as always terrific, Jessica Fletcher being one of her best-remembered roles for very good reason. Most of the acting is not good at all, and that's being kind, but Dey Young and Corrine Bohrer show some charm and Bryan Cranston does menacing very well.

When it comes to the rest, there is a lot of over-acting going on in "Something Foul in Flappieville" and it is very poor over-acting that wouldn't even pass for unintentional humour. Stephen Kay in particular is embarrassing with the most annoying character of an episode full of characters too over-the-top to be taken seriously. They do have a very contrived and awkward script to work with, one that doesn't have any subtlety of any kind with self-indulgent wannabe witticisms and cringe-worthy funny lines delivered with voices nearly as creepy as the puppets.

Can say nothing better about the story. It takes far too long to get going, the murder investigation is both rushed through and uninspired, with too much strangeness and nowhere near enough twists. For instance it is far too obvious too early who the prime suspect will be, and one doesn't care because not only is the outcome one that can be seen right from the start the prime suspect is also too annoying to be worth investing in. Wasn't that shocked by the reveal either and my interest honestly had wavered by then.

Oh, and the puppets are neither entertaining, cleverly used or interesting. If the writers were trying to go for creepiness they succeeded (pretty certain it was not intended), but to excessively overkill effect that was one step away to scarring the viewer for life.

In summary, pretty foul episode and a 'Murder She Wrote' low point. 3/10 Bethany Cox
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