A Christmas Melody (2015 TV Movie)
Superstar Kid
6 January 2018
Fina Strazza is an amazing little talent with the cutest expressions and timing; she truly outshines the veteran cast.

Lacey and Brennan are magic together as well and their on screen romance is on par with their other 'All of My Heart" movies. Lacey is always charming and Brennan is always witty and comical, they make a great team.

In my opinion (and of course everyone is entitled to theirs), Mariah would have been better served to stay in the director seat. I just don't care for her as an actress and I think a more bubbly/peppy actress would have been better suited. But I will give it to Mariah that her directing was good.

Lastly, the Folgers things was just too funny. The first time was subtle, but the second time you couldn't have gotten anymore over the top obvious with that one; made me chuckle pretty good.
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