Warning this movie is a work of far left agitprop
11 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
In all fairness the movie fairs fairly well in terms of cinematography. But so does the Triumph des Willens or Der Ewige Jude. Because this is movie falls into the exact same genre as those. Extremist political propaganda. A bag of utter hate mongering lies. Right from the very beginning. Literally. The opening scene shows a group of Syrian migrants being chased by Hungarian police as they are trying to cross the Hungarian border illegally. Then the antagonist character a Hungarian detective shoots the hero (the young Syrian man who is so pure and innocent and special that some higher power resurrects and turns him into some flying saint like living miracle). Then later or they show a bunch of other migrants from the same group laying around dead being put into body bags. How they died, the movie won't tell. Now the thing is that out of the over 1.5 million 3rd world migrants from around 100 different countries who illegally and violently broke into Europe in 2015 and 2016 there was only a singular recorded case of police opening fire on them when Slovakian police wounded but not killed a Syrian female migrant. One case. No case however where a migrant actually got killed by any kind of police or armed forces in all of Europe is known. But the creators of this agitprop trash could not care less about the facts or reality itself for that matter. They tell a tale of a genocide committed by Hungarians because that sells well and serves their political agenda. The rest of the movie isn't any better than the opening scene by the way. It depicts Hungarians and other Europeans as a bunch of heartless, corrupt, decadent mean scum throughout the movie. It even goes as far as smearing the Bible itself with another lead character Dr Stern calling it a book where children are slaughtered, people are tortured and extra-marital sex is promoted. Shame on you people who created this outrage and shame on the Hungarian Film Foundation for supporting a left fascist anti European, anti Hungarian, anti Christian propaganda movie with over 3 million dollars.
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