Review of Tempted

Tempted (2003 TV Movie)
Jason Momoa stole the show
19 January 2018
His character's age was a bit off to have a 15 year old, but overall, because of his stature and deep voice the audience can be easily fooled. Otherwise, I loved it, although kind of half expected more between them,, so I guess I really loved it for the mystery factor, not knowing what if anything would happen between them, perhaps if her family had not arrived on the island......who knows. This was one of the first times watching Jason Momoa, and cannot for the life of me figure out why he hasn't already become a block buster "leading man" as he has such presence and and fantastic personality. Alright Jason, you are getting there and you were good in Justice League and I cannot wait for Aquaman to come out. Still thing you should be a leading man. See ya at the boxoffice.
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