Silent Witness: Duty of Candour: Part 2 (2018)
Season 21, Episode 4
A blackmailer targets patients of a London Hospital
19 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
These comments refer to the whole two part story not just episode two.

This story opens with the discovery of a woman's body in her home. Her husband is the most likely suspect; a suspicion that rises when it emerges that she was pregnant and he wasn't the father. Soon afterwards the husband murders the man who was the father and after a brief chase jumps from a tall building and dies. At first it looks as though this is the shortest mystery in the history of the series but then it emerges that somebody had leaked news of the woman's pregnancy to the husband. It turns out there was a data breach at the hospital where she'd sought treatment and the hospital administrator had kept quiet after ignoring a blackmail demand... it would appear that after failing to get money off the hospital the blackmailer had turned his attention to the individual patients... it isn't long before a barrister who was being blackmailed because of his drug addiction is seriously injured... the police and the Lyell team must work fast is they are to stop more people being harmed. To further complicate matters Nikki has being seeing a psychiatrist at the hospital and is worried about her problems becoming public.

This was an impressive second story; I really liked how it looked as if it would be all about who killed the woman found in the opening scene but ultimately it was about something else altogether. Even after the attention has switched to the search for hacker/blackmailer there are plenty of twists and turns as further misdemeanours are exposed more people become potential suspects. When the person responsible is ultimately exposed it isn't somebody too obvious nor is it a total surprise to fans of the genre who will know to suspect anybody who doesn't look too suspicious and isn't part of the investigation! Having Nikki's treatment taking place at the hospital in question did feel a bit unnecessary but it did at least serve to get her problems into the open so hopefully she will be able to move on soon. The cast do a solid job bringing the story to life. Overall a good story that kept me guessing almost to the end.
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