Pups Is Pups (1930)
As anyone who's ever tried to skateboard up in Canadia well knows . . .
20 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
. . . it's virtually impossible, because what passes for "sidewalks" in America's Northern Threat would be called "concrete whitecaps" anywhere else, suitable for baby buggy torture testing and little else. (A guy can be as sober as Clarence Thomas, and be diagnosed as a "stumbling drunk" trying to walk a line on a Canadia Pedestrian Path.) PUPS IS PUPS helps explain the reason for this deplorable state of affairs. As documented in the previous 11 episodes, "Little Rascals" is an anthropological study following a gang of juvenile delinquents up in Canadia as they try to prove that any act of vandalism or mayhem will go undetected at worse, or be an improvement much of the time. For instance, between 10 and 12 minutes into PUPS IS PUPS a rabid pack of canine criminals tear up the same square of wet pavement seven times. These malicious mutts would have been prevented from messing things up even once in the USA, by a border of yellow "Caution!" or "Crime Scene" tape. However, since nearly every inch of Canadia IS a crime scene, it never occurs to the hapless D.P.W. worker to cordon off his work zone. This puts one in mind of the old riddle: How many DPW guys up in Canadia does it take to screw in a light bulb? (Perhaps I'll have room for the answer when I review Our Gang Episode #13.)
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