Astonishingly bad
22 January 2018
The first movie was made by and for intelligent people. Like it or not, you had to admit it was daring and clever. This one is almost unbelievably sloppy and idiotic. In terms of tone, plot, character development, lightning and photography, it feels like an amateur porn movie, which only makes it more frustrating because there is no porn, although the slutty teenager characters does put up a reasonable effort. (By the way, is that how American kids really dress, talk, think and act in real life? If so, I fear for the future.) With the exception of John Oldman/David Lee Smith, who doesn't even play the main part and has very little to say throughout the movie, all characters are shallow and hateful, and I caught myself wishing them horrible deaths within a few minutes.

In short, the director has just demolished whatever reputation he had gained from the first movie, which was indeed a small jewel. Therefore, I assume any quality we saw then was in the writing, which is sorely lacking here.
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