The Gifted: X-roads (2018)
Season 1, Episode 13
Goodies and baddies
24 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I am really trying to like this show but while I am almost impressed the characters do something that disappoints.Anyway going to the point.. Goodies: +Frost sisters +Lorna scenes +Jace turners scenes +Andys scenes while doing whats needed to be done +Ending scene-Finally some mutants are willing to fight to survive unlike others who run yet they ve got the power to fight Baddies: _Lorna trying to stop andy scene -Thunderbird polaris and blink scene with doctor campbell.They run instead of fighting to survive -Boring and repetitive peptalk eg:"I should have stopped her/known and the other says "You couldnt have known" or the boring statement"The x men chose us for a reason" Gosh I hate this chats -One more thing.I dont know why the writers are hiding magnetos name. I just hope the writers become original in the second season or this show will lose track!!
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