Death Metal Zombies (1995 Video)
I love metal. I love zombies. I didn't love Death Metal Zombies.
29 January 2018
As a fan of both gory low-budget movies and very loud rock music, it pains me to say that this mid-'90s home-made zombie flick was clearly put together by avid horror/metal fans with far less talent than taste. I wanted to like the film, but the dreadful acting, weak direction and awful script sucked all the fun out for me. Those involved look like they were having a great time, but I cannot say the same for myself.

The pitiful plot sees metal-head Brad (Bill DeWild) winning a radio competition, the prize being a special tape of music by his favourite band, Living Corpse. When Brad plays the cassette to his friends, the head-banging pals are transformed into zombies and ordered to kill by Living Corpse's lead singer Shengar (Thomas Banta). Meanwhile, a serial killer in a Nixon rubber mask is also on the prowl.

Kudos to director Todd Jason Cook for actually getting one of the girls to commit to a shower scene, and for achieving some reasonable splatter effects on an almost non-existent budget, but the cheapo gore and gratuitous nudity doesn't make the film any less painful to watch.
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