Dog Daze (1937)
You can't keep a good dog down
30 January 2018
Love animation, it was a big part of my life as a child, particularly Disney, Looney Tunes and Tom and Jerry, and still love it whether it's film, television or cartoons.

'Dog Daze' is not one of Friz Freleng's best cartoons and he was yet to be in his full prime, but for a relatively early effort from him it is one of his funniest and most interesting. While not yet in his prime years, his work agreed got funnier and more inventive and that can be seen in 'Dog Daze'. The spot gag concept is not a novel one for anybody familiar with it before watching this cartoon and it is also agreed that it was refined later with Tex Avery.

In Avery's spot gag cartoons, there was wittier humour, more originality and even livelier pacing, complete with more imaginative visuals and a wackiness that are not quite as strong in 'Dog Daze'. Freleng, as has been said before, does take a noble stab at it and does a good job in 'Dog Daze', even though early days and not quite as refined there are signs of his style that tended not to be there in his early efforts.

There really is very little to criticise in 'Dog Daze'. Just that the concept when refined and fully developed has been done better.

Voice acting is outstanding, with the ever versatile and supremely talented Mel Blanc having the lion's share and in no way does he sound taxed.

All the gags and puns, as well as those curtain advertisements, hit the mark and are very amusing and more. Pacing is lively and while the story is non-existent (basically a string of spot gags) this doesn't matter when the material is so much fun and everything is so well executed.

Furthermore, the animation is very good to excellent, it's fluid in movement, crisp in shading, vibrant in colour and very meticulous in detail.

Ever the master, Carl Stalling's music is typically superb. It is as always lushly orchestrated, full of lively energy and characterful in rhythm, not only adding to the action but also enhancing it. As always the use of pre-existing music is inspired.

Overall, very good and lots of fun. 8/10 Bethany Cox
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