A grown up Darla Hood, formerly of Our Gang, appeared in this ep of "The Jack Benny Program"
2 February 2018
I seem to be on an "Our Gang" kick lately having just seen what I could of the late silent entries online that I previously hadn't seen before. In this ep of "The Jack Benny Program", Jack walks on stage, then goes on to backstage before the stage manager (show producer/director Fred De Cordova) tells him to come back. Jack explains he didn't have his glasses on and is now confused wherever he goes because of it. He intros Dennis Day who exclaims he can't sing because of his cold. Then Jack shows a pic of Darla Hood as a kid before bringing her out on stage grown up. She sings, Dennis comes back also singing a little with his cold obviously gone. Then we segue to an "Our Gang" sketch with Jack as Alfalfa, Don Wilson as Spanky, Rochester as Oatmeal (obviously meant to be Buckwheat when he wore pigtails), Dennis as Rodney (dressed in those silly Little Lord Founteroy outfits), Spot the Dog (meant to be Pete the Pup with that circle around his eye), and Darla playing herself as a child. I'll just now say this was quite funny even though the sketch was an exaggerated version of the classic shorts that were, and still are, entertaining audiences all over. Charming as the adult Darla was, however, she made a couple of mistakes when talking about her time with the Gang: She mentioned making 160 eps when the book about "Our Gang" says it was only 50 and she mentions one of her former teammates being Farina when she obviously meant Buckwheat since Farina was gone by the time she joined. Anyway, I recommend "The Story of My Gang Comedy" ep of "The Jack Benny Program".
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