Good Documentary about a Great Group
5 February 2018
I saw this over the weekend and really liked it. I learned some things about Chicago and it's journey that I never knew before. I thought I already knew a lot but there was some good stuff here. My only concern is that this is produced by the band and directed by Lou Pardini's family member so it is not going to be completely objective. At the end of the day Chicago is a great band with a lot of big egos. The remaining members seem to down play Cetera's ability as a song writer and his contributions. Cetera is an excellent song writer and had one of the best voices in the business. Clearly Foster took them in a different direction but it seemed like it was a good decision at the time. The really needed a change up in my opinion. I am disappointed Cetera couldn't check his ego at the door and perform at the Hall of Fame. That would have been amazing. I also thought Bill Champlin was overlooked in the movie. I know he didn't want to participate but the founders acted like he didn't have much to offer. Interesting that since this documentary was made that Jason Scheff was also fired. So other than Lamm, Pankow, Loughnane, and Parazaider. Chicago will always be my favorite group but it is too bad that all of the ego's ended up crushing the stage.
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