"Better to ride 2 horses than a dead horse"
8 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The best thing about this B&W 'B' western is the screenplay, which centers around the Apache warrior Katawan(The Apache Kid), and his rather ambiguous status as an Apache paid by the US army to capture dead or alive troublesome Apache renegades. He continues to wear the standard Apache clothing which contributes to the perception of his ambiguous status., and occasionally makes it more difficult to tell him from other Apache.....Near the beginning, Katawan shoots dead a renegade who tried to escape from him and his white friend Ben Zieglar, The 3 others, including leader Marteen, are brought into the fort for trial and sentencing. A little while later, Chato kills Katawan's brother with a knife in the back. The slow-speaking old chief Nantan confirms that , according to Apache custom, Katawan must kill Chato, so that the soul of the murdered can be released from the earth. This is made more dangerous by the fact that Chato is intent on killing Katawan, as well, and in fact jumps Katawan from a rock. They have a knife fight, and Chato is killed. Ben and a soldier had been trailing Katawan and took him into custody, taking him to the fort. The Major sentenced him to 7 years in the territorial prison at Yuma, considering this a light sentence. Katawan and Chief Nantan argue that he was obligated by Apache custom to kill Chato. The Major argued that Katawan had accepted a position in white society, thus white law superseded Apache custom in his case. Katawan escapes serving this sentence by joining with Marteen and 2 others in jumping the guards while being transported to prison. Katawan nearly drowns Ben, who was also accompanying the wagon. He didn't want Ben to die, so feigned shooting Ben in the head to make sure he was dead.... Now, the question is: can Katawan be trusted as a comrade to the others. He says he doesn't have a choice. Marteen says he will be leader of the group. Eventually, he and Katawan have a knife fight. The others side with Marteen and hit Katawan until he is unconscious, then leave him. Marteen and compatriots go on a white man killing spree. The Major decides the best chance of capturing Marteen and Katawan is to contract with bounty hunters. However, an army patrol gets to Marteen first....Ben goes looking for Katawan to kill him for almost drowning him. He finds him, with his girlfriend , Liwana. See the movie(at You Tube) for the climax and rather unsatisfying ending....The dialogue involving the Apache is leaden, as according to Hollywood tradition, Keith Larsen, as Katawan , is not charismatic, nor is Rodolfo Acosta as Marteen. John Miljan is appropriately stoic as the wise old chief. Eugenia Paul serves as the demure Liwana, who pops up every now and then as Katawan's woman. She's concerned about whether they will live as Apache or as whites. She sites several reasons why she is envious of white women. Jim Davis plays the conflicted Ben Zeiglar, while Damian O'Flynn makes a good Major. See it on YouTube
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