A big incoherent and over dramatic
8 February 2018
My Daddy's in Heaven is a bit incoherent to me. Lots of things don't make sense. The writing is confusing and the acting rather mediocre. The story is about a Christian woman named Becca (Jenn Gotzon Chandler) who is trying to recover after her husband's death, while also learning how to believe in God again.

Many things in this story are just not practical. The death is quick and you don't have much time to connect with the character. As a viewer, I would have appreciated more backstory on Adam and his family life with Becca and his daughter, Acie (Riley St. John). The husband dies by falling off an ATV. He doesn't crash into anything, he just falls off. It doesn't seem like he is drunk and he doesn't seem to have any medical issues. The ATV doesn't even fall on him. He just falls. Then, it appears as if he gains even more bruises at the hospital. Make-up is very important in a movie and should be consistent. After he officially dies, two weeks after the accident, Becca is visited by a man named, Jimmy Urban who gives her Adam's Bible, which appears to be a message from her husband to believe in God. I'm not sure as the Bible doesn't have much of a point.

Sometimes the acting feels either too over dramatic or too blunt. The characters are all rather bland. You automatically sympathize with Becca because we all know loss is hard. She's definitely depressed and trying to drink her sorrows away. She also has an old high school best friend named June helping her through her grieving period. June is my favorite character in the movie. She reminds me a lot of the characters Rebel Wilson plays and she has the best lines in the film. Unfortunately, she has not yet been given credit on IMBd, but according to the movie credits, her name is Jill Morrison. It's weird how she's the only one not credited. I hope she is soon.

This movie is based on a book called "My Daddy is in Heaven with Jesus". I have not read the book, but from what I know, the movie is not completely accurate to the source material. The movie is more about the wife experiencing the loss of her husband, while the book appears to focus more on the daughter's grieving.

I give this movie 2 out of 5 stars and recommend it for ages 13 to 18. This is definitely more of a movie that Christians would enjoy. It also reminds me of Hallmark Channel movies. If you like those, you might enjoy this. It comes out March 13, 2018.

reviewed by Calista B., KIDS FIRST! Film Critic. For more reviews by youth, visit kidsfirst dot org.
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