Horrible movie,a waste of time!
9 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I gave it a one star. It was bad. Not bad...HORRIBLE! I mean,it could've been worse,but this is probably the worst movie on Netflix i ever watched!

Let's talk about the acting first...Really,really bad. I couldn't help myself but laugh at the horrible acting. What the hell were they thinking? That was slightly bad!

There's this thing that really annoyed me,the camera man. He was too close to the actors and i could barely focus and what's happening. It was also a bit shaky.

I recognized that the audios were from a lot of other movies and games... I think one was from Kevin MacLeod!

A lot of parts didn't make sense,especially this one: When their car didn't want to turn on,they slept in the car,woke up,then went to the woods,blah blah blah,not important. The car wasn't 'working',but the next day they normally left? How? The car was not turning on! I'm not a car expert,but i'm pretty sure that when your car won't turn on,it can't just randomly be able to turn on again after a day.

That part when Paige's brother 'killed' the ghost...How though? I never knew it's possible to kill ghosts...I know this is a movie,but still! I've never saw someone kill a ghost in a movie before,i watched hundreds of horror movies and i never saw that someone killed a ghost,so that part confused me a little.

The movie was too long,i don't even know why i kept watching it,thought something interesting would happen or thought it would get better,nope. Not at all.

The special effects in the movie were really bad,like it was made with a really bad video editor.

There's a lot more stupid nonsense stuff that happened in the movie,but i think if you didn't watch the movie,you understand that it's really bad.

DO NOT WATCH IT! As i said,a waste of time!
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