Slow as Molasses but not as interesting
11 February 2018
Minimalist story about lesbians who do not connect. Not much story here. People meet. They talk. They disagree. They hookup, sort of. Odd bits of quirkiness, but the story isn't going anywhere. The main character is a woman named Morgan who takes a long time to say things. The scenes go flat while we wait for her to think of things to say.

The pacing is very slow. There is no tension because there is nothing at risk. The name implies that there will be murder or killing, but the name is misleading. It refers to the name of a podcast.

The soundtrack reminds you of a slasher film or murder mystery, but there is no build-up, no event, no crisis, no payoff.

Poor script and amateurish acting.

There is a chance that this might be a comedy, because there are some scenes that seem like an attempt at humor, but without laughs.
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