Bomb City (2017)
Deserved better
11 February 2018
This film comes together in the end, trouble is, nothing has happened for the previous 70 minutes. Lots of yelling obscenities and underwhelming scenes that do nothing to connect the viewer with any of the characters, which is a shame. If there had been more effort into establishing the character of at least one of the main players then this could have been a little masterpiece, as all the ingredients are there for it. You could probably watch the first 10 minutes, skip an hour, and watch the remaining 20 and it'd be the same as watching the whole thing. That's where this film lets itself down and that hour of film literally could have told any story it wanted, rather than the hodgepodge of comparisons between the local punk kids and the local football team that leave the viewer wondering what there is to fuss over.
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