Review of Black

Black (2017)
Plot holes kinda wrecked this for me. But I still enjoyed it for what it had to offer.
23 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Why didn't Ha-Ram didn't see Moo-Gang's shadow inside him when she first went to see him in the hospital? He wasn't wearing black.

Also, if Ha-Ram's dad was a grim reaper in a dead body, why did she see a shadow only at that one point (when he was wearing black, btw)? She should have seen it all the time. And why didn't she see the shadow inside him? And if it was a grim reaper who had discovered him (the shadow), wouldn't they have just snagged his rule-breaking butt and left? And, how did the murderer "kill" Ha-Ram's dad anyway? Moo-Gang just shook it off when he was slayed horrifically by a meat hook by the SAME GUY.


The acting was stellar, the chemistry was good, but when you have problems like that in the consistency of a plot, it makes it really hard for the audience to suspend their disbelief and just enjoy the story of an ill-fated love between a grim reaper and a girl who basically is, of all the Charlie Browns I know, the Charlie Browniest. The first half was funny and sad and reeled me in, the second half I spent confused, frustrated, and dreading the wrap up. They brought the audience into a micro view of a great story, then pulled so far back, none of the characters that we grew to know and enjoy were even in the final moments.

I don't know, in the end the drama affected me; it touched my heart and forced me to contemplate uncomfortable thoughts about life, and death, choices, and consequences. But it tripped over itself when it could have soared.

Also, who has CCTV video aimed at the side of a cliff by the ocean? That is some phenomenal security footage there, man.
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