Important but a bit extreme
2 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
"Overfed & Undernourished" is an Australian documentary about the negative impact of bad eating habits on our lives and our health. It centers around Liam, a young obese boy, who tries to lose weight and become healthier by changing his diet and his lifestyle in general. On his way, he is supported by his aunt and uncke and several people who try to make people more sensitive for this topic.

I absolutely believe that there's a lot of truth in this film. A lot of the things we wat today is crap and with some easy changes we could all make a step towards a more healthy and appropriate life. Unlike some of he other reviewers, I do believe that Liam needed help on his way and it is naive to think that such a change of habits could take place without any conflicts. However, at several points people in this documentary exeggerate their quest to a point that is simply no longer based on scientific facts. Not every health issue is linked to nutrition, that's just nonsense and you really don't have to be perfect to lead a more or less healthy life. If you eat a burger or drink a can of soda it won't kill you, if you regularly base your diet on those things is where the problem starts. At the end of the day a part of health is also satisfaction and while some people find it in a very healthy lifestyle that doesn't include any processed food, others might not and as long as they take care of themselves that should be their choice as well.

All in all the documentary raises some very important questions and reflects on how careless we risk our health through obesity and bad food. Unfortunately, many people included seem to be more on a mission than interested in a neutral look on the topic and at some points that can be quite disturbing.
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