Kill Command (2016)
A pretty decent low budget sci-fi movie
5 March 2018
If you stuck the script for Dog Soldiers, Aliens, Terminator and maybe a Black Mirror episode or two into an idea blender and pressed go, you'd get the basic script for this movie. Think fairly generic 'Machines turn on their creator' type stuff but with a lot of ammo, some pretty cool robot designs and some quite well written interpersonal relationships.

This movie mainly is a spectacle movie, but it's a bit low budget, so built sets are kept to a minimum, larger locations are office buildings, forests, abandoned buildings, muddy fields, etc. they stop short of an actual quarry but there's nothing terribly spectacular there, it's all about the digital augmentation.

If you've seen fan made Star Trek movies that rely on green screen, CGI sets, movement tracking, key frame animation and an awful lot of atmospheric plug-ins, this movie is like a slightly higher budget more professional version of one of those.

It mostly holds up well, the animation can be a bit stiff at times, the robots walk, interact and shoot well, but don't pull or push people about nor fall well, and occasionally something doesn't quite look right at all, but it's mostly all pretty convincing. The actors do just fine at selling this augmented reality to the audience considering they themselves presumably cannot see it, and you're seldom distracted by the weird eye-lines or odd framing that sometimes plague this style of film making.

The pacing is good, there's some decent characters, plenty of action, lots of cool stuff to look at and it's reasonably entertaining.

Good for a wet Wednesday, give it a go.
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